Kid Chameleon Wiki
Round and Round

Round and round.

The Spinning Twins are bizarre enemies in Kid Chameleon.


Spinning Twins (AKA Dancing yokels, Bodybuilders, Wrestlers, Gemini, Twins) are two enemies which dance around in a circle. One of the twins wears a hat, who always loses it on the first attack.

The Twin's heads appear as statues on the splash screen and in many Hills-themed levels.

Twins Heads II Twins_statues


While dancing, they pretty much just stay where they are. When attacked, the twins will fly out from their dancing formation in a giant explosion. Once separated, they will walk from wall to wall or end to end on the platform they are on.


They don't have an attack. They won't harm you unless you walk into them while they're together or separated.


One hit while they're dancing separates them. It will then take another one or two hits to kill each of them, so 3-5 hits total.

Jumping on them or long-range axe throws from Maniaxe are generally among the safest ways to kill them. This is because when the Twins separate, the explosion pushes them out a huge distance, during which they're completely invincible. Because of this, using Red Stealth's sword slash while they're dancing isn't the best idea, as it'll always cost you a hit point. If they're already separated, though, go ahead and slash away!

Berzerker's charge can kill them in one hit while they're separated, but don't try that when they're in spinning formation. That's because their dance moves are so on-point that you'll only bounce back and sometimes even lose a hit point!


Spinning Twins are encountered in the following levels:

Spinning-Twins-1 Spinning-Twins-2 Spinning-Twins-3
Elsewhere 6 Bloody Swamp Never used in game!
The Forbidden Tombs Devil's Marsh 2
The Valley of Life Elsewhere 26
Elsewhere 32